Sunday, May 15, 2005

SUMMER is here at last

Well I made it through one year of school and I only made one D ( in New Testament) I'm not very good with all that. School starts back in Aug. This weekend I spent my time cleaning the house top to bottom. the house was feeling a little neglected the last two weeks of classes. I still have laundry and the grass to catch up on.
I'm going to go strawberry picking this week. caleb is excited. but most of all he can't wait to get on a plane and fly to Okla. He asks everyday if we are going to see Mimi and Papa. I might get a part time job as a marketing graphic designer, it would be great experience. I also want to try to start teaching pitching lessons, but i'm not sure if i can find any clients. Jadyn is really starting to talk more and more. She can repeat numbers to 10 and even tries to say them on her own. She loves babies. This caused me to bring up the topic of babies to Don. He says we are done with kids," we got a boy and a girl, why can't you be satisfied." I am very happy with the kids I have, but if Don really wants me to be a stay-at-home mom, then I figure why not have another one. I don't want one right now, but maybe in a couple of years. besides I dont want to end up having another one when the other kids are 10 years +. I figure have'm all now and be done with it.
i just always wanted 4 kids. I don't like to think that jade is my last baby. -- so i guess it's up for debate. --- but for now I want to enjoy the kids I have and try to raise them right.--- signing off -- AD


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