Sunday, January 08, 2006

For the Girls:

Ever feel inadequate as a woman? - I know I do
So here is some stuff from a good book on the subject:
Most originally posted by:

Captivating : Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul
By John Eldredge, Stasi Eldredge

“There has been precious little wisdom offered on the path to becoming a woman. Oh, we know the expectations that have been laid upon us as by our families, our churches, and our cultures. There are reams of materials on what you ought to do to be a good woman. But is not the same thing as knowing what the journey toward becoming a woman involves, or even what the goal really should be.”
Is that supposed to be godly--that sense that you are a failure as a woman?
I know I am not alone in this nagging sense of failing to measure up, a feeling of not being good enough as a woman. Every woman I've met feels it--something deeper than just the sense of failing at what she does. An underlying, gut feeling of failing at who she is. I am not enough, and I am too much at the same time. Not pretty enough, not thin enough, not kind enough, not gracious enough, not disciplined enough. But too emotional, too needy, too sensitive, too strong, too-opinionated, too messy. The result is shame, the universal companion of a women. It haunts us. nipping at our heels, feeding on our deepest fear that we will end up abandoned and alone.
After all. if we were better women--whatever that means---life wouldn't be so hard. Right? We wouldn't have so many struggles; there would be less sorrow in our hearts. Why is it so hard to create meaningful friendships and sustain them? Why do our days seem so unimportant, filled not with romance and adventure but with duties and demands? We feel unseen, even by those who are closest to us. We feel unsought--that no one has the passion or courage to pursue us, to get past our messiness to find the woman deep inside. And we feel uncertain---uncertain what it even means to be a woman; uncertain what it truly means to be feminine; uncertain if we are or ever will be.
Aware of our deep failings, we pour contempt on our own hearts for wanting more. Oh, we long for intimacy and for adventure; we long to be the Beauty of some great story. But the desires set deep in our hearts seem like a luxury, granted only to those women who get their acts together. The message to the rest of us---whether from a driven culture or a driven church---is try harder.
And in all the exhortations we have missed the most important thing of all. We have missed the heart of a woman.”
(GOD Is the one who completes who we are – we are nothing with out HIM)
“Wow--that is amazing isn't it? God is wooing us to Him--not by standards or expectations set out by our cultures or churches but because He loves us and calls us His own--His Beloved--We are God's princesses! Simply amazing” –Anna Jacobsen
"We as women should be captivated by His love, Beauty, and Grace."
God draws us more unto HIm--not by good works or such--but by HIS Grace & Love; because HE longs for my Heart. – that’s amazing.

Currently Reading
Captivating : Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul
By John Eldredge, Stasi Eldredge


Blogger Abby said...

I had NO idea you had a blog!! thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

I taught Captivating to the youth girls where my soon-to-be husband is the youth pastor and they loved it! I enjoyed how the book kinda goes from the history of women, to the hurt of women, to the healing of women. Those were some separations I found that helped me teach the book in a couple weeks. I had so much fun reading that book, SO much good info. THEN it was great to go back and make my own lesson plans from it and teach it. Cause now i know it really well.

I hope you are doing well. I'm finished with classes and got my diploma in the mail about a month ago. It's crazy to plan a wedding in 5.5 months, but i'm gonna loose weight tryin'!

hope to see ya around soon! i'll keep reading your blog!

12:44 PM  
Blogger Abby said...

Don doesn't smile a lot does he? =(

His brother david does...

i've been thru your site a little

12:54 PM  

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