Friday, June 22, 2007

people pleasing

generally i have an unflinching ability to state my strong opinion with no concern about others’ thoughts or MY own unpopularity.
I wish some one I know thought of me in terms of===I with i had the strength to do that.!!
but this is real life, & folks like me might have lots of principles and no friends.-- I have figured that much out ..
but to me It's okay.. i am content with that... but some one I know is not .
that was how things were my 1st semester of college -- well I made a couple of good Friends... but people did state that i was TOO opinionated.. etc...
basically i strongly contrast my husband or anyone who is a people-pleasers... -- yeah i do think when I moved here -- I wanted northing more than to PLEASE Don & more importantly in MY head was to impress his friends & get them to like me
I did that in high school as well.. & remained under the Radar... the nice girl -- but did i stand for anything?
generally i think of People pleasers as being women. because women are so relational, but I know a few men who are as well…
These are great people... but i dont like to be run down for who i am...
often i think at different times we have both done everything we can to preserve a connection.. Instead of choosing what might be the Best choice for everyone... making a decision that may hurt someone..
so many times in my life i have done anything to avoid being the bad girl. but i feel at this point in my life - there is nothing i can do

I found at times that my people-pleasing ways not only hurt me, they hurt the people who were my true friends, etc...

the thing with being a people-pleaser --- It isn’t really about “people.” It’s about fear that someone will think less of you or me --
if I’m not agreeable. It’s about an incessant need to have people think You are swell.

I really do think that People want relationships with those who are filled with honesty and integrity.
I don’t know if you can be understanding or supportive of that..
but those are just some of my thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

7:46 PM  

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