Sunday, July 09, 2006

First Time Gardener

I read this story and related to it! -- it's a cute one

"I've never grown an African violet... I don't know what to do!" I wanted to say, but thankfully managed a, "Thank you," as I reached out to accept the tiny plant from the grey-haired hospital volunteer. "Congratulations," she said with a big smile. The irony of the moment was lost on me at the time, but there I was with my violet, and a brand new baby boy. I'd never grown one of those, either!

I was recently reminded of that moment, shortly after a discouraging "I don't have any idea what I'm doing" crisis with my two kids. You don't need the details - just picture your own vehicle, loaded schedule and hungry, tired kids. Firmly gripping the steering wheel and clamping my mouth tightly shut, I shot up a desperate prayer for wisdom and patience, and gave myself a few moments to think. I don't know if my response was the perfect mothering response or not, but I managed to calm them down without screaming, tossed them both an emergency snack to appease their appetites and distracted them into conversation. Whew!

Later that evening, I noticed my African violet was covered with tiny purple blooms. It outgrew the tiny Dixie cup years ago, and now cascades over the sides of a six-inch pot. I'm still no expert on African violets, but I've somehow learned how to help this one thrive: when it needs water, when to re-pot, how much sunlight it likes. I keep it in my bathroom window where it reminds me what I've learned from my kids to help them grow and even "bloom." Maybe I know more than I think. I suspect you do too!
Prayer From a Mother's Heart
Dear God, please give me your wisdom and strength to parent my children so that they may grow to bring glory to you.


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