Sunday, April 09, 2006

What have I gotten myself into?

I wonder if going to work in a design or advertising firm means giving up hope of a regular life. I am committed and passionate about art and design, however, I am extremely scared that after I graduate, I am heading toward a lifestyle that will leave no time for me to relax and enjoy other parts of life - if i want to really do well at my work and make a good living. I already live at my computer. due to the large amount of school and internship work, and can’t see myself being able do this much past graduation. I feel very confused because I wish to do every well in my career; yet I have a family to care for –so I do not see myself ever really being able to be successful in both.
I wonder if this a sign of the times, or has design always been a career that will take you away from your family? I question myself did I choose the wrong path? What have I gotten myself into?


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