Coming Home

Current mood: adventurous
Category: Life
don & i & the kids are driving to my HOME in OKLAHOMA to visit with Family for a Few days and attend my Grandmother Freda’s Funeral... while i will always think ok OK as my home... home is becoming wherever i am with my husband & kids.
’Driving home from the pool one evening, my three-year-old son asked if we were going to see Daddy when we got to the house. I said we were. Several minutes later, we rounded a corner and our house came into view. I heard him sigh, and looked at him in my kiddy-mirror, as he said, "Ah, home. Now I get to be with Daddy!"
This made me realize that home is not a place. My son was so right in his observation of our house – this is where we get to spend time together, love each other, create memories and enjoy one another. I often pull into my driveway with a sigh – one of frustration and resignation to the fact that there will be toys to pick up, laundry to do, dishes to wash, dinner to be made. Not at all the comforting idea of home that my son has. I need to remind myself that my children don’t care that my living room isn’t Martha Stewart perfect, or that my bathroom towels don’t coordinate. To him, home is created by the people who live in the house.
Now, when I pull into my driveway, I try to look past all the things and look at those who are in my home instead. Whether it is my children, husband, niece and nephews, friends or neighbors, I want my home to be one that everyone can come into and be comforted, loved and accepted. I hope that my house will always be a place where those who enter feel like they can say, "Ah, home." Even me.’
-- Erika Morrison, MOPS Council Coordinator